



The European Parliament’s last Eurobarometer survey before the elections in June reveals awareness among citizens and concern for the current geopolitical context. The pre-electoral publication reveals a positive, upward trend on key election indicators with just a few weeks to go until EU citizens cast their ballots 6-9 June.

Interest in the election, awareness of when it will take place as well as likelihood to vote are all on the rise since the last survey in autumn 2023, when they were last measured. Increases are even more striking in comparison to the Spring 2019 survey (three months prior to the previous European elections). 60% now say they are interested in voting in June (+3 pp compared to autumn 2023 and +11 pp compared to February/March 2019). 71% say that it is likely that they will vote (7 to 10 on a scale from 1-10), representing +3 pp in comparison to autumn 2023 and +10 pp compared to February/March 2019.

Findings suggest that EU citizens are very much aware of the importance of the elections in the current geopolitical context, with eight in ten (81%) respondents agreeing that it makes voting even more important. Large majorities in all Member States endorse this statement

 Main findings:

More than eight in ten Europeans (81%) believe voting is even more important given the current geopolitical situation

Six in ten citizens (60%) take an interest in the upcoming European elections 6-9 June, 11pp more than at the same point in time prior to the previous vote in May 2019.

73% of citizens say that EU actions have an impact on their daily lives EU defence and security are increasingly important as issues to focus on

The fight against poverty and social exclusion (33%) as well as public health (32%) are main issues on the minds of voters

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