Romani people in the EU

Romani people in the EU



The Roma are Europe's largest ethnic minority. Out of an estimated total of 10-12 million in Europe, some 6 million live in the EU, and most of them are citizens of an EU country.  The estimated share of the Roma in EU countries in 2012 ranges from 10.3% in Bulgaria, 9.1% in Slovakia, 8.3% in Romania, 7% in Hungary, 2.5% in Greece, 2% in Czechia and 1.6% in Spain, to less than 1% in most of the other countries.

Excessive force, police brutality and misconduct against Romani people continue to be reported across the EU, in line with the 2020 findings of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).

The FRA report also revealed that Romani people are subject to widespread poverty, inadequate living conditions, poor health, exclusion from the labour market and harassment. 

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