Lux Prize 2019

Lux Prize 2019



Every year the European Parliament rolls out the red carpet to reward authentic European cinema. The Lux Prize not only honours some of the best European films, but also helps to promote them. It is a tool to support European cinema, to spark debate on current political and social issues and also a way to reflect on European identity and values.

"Cold case Hammarskjöld", "The realm", and "God exists, her name Is Petrunya" are very different films, but they have some things in common: they are European and their stories make us think about politics, values, traditions and they challenge our preconceptions.

MEPs choose the winning film. The winner will be announced during the award ceremony on 27 November during the plenary session in Strasbourg.

Watch the previous ceremonies on our main package: Lux Prize Ceremonies.

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