European Solidarity Corps (2019-2020)

European Solidarity Corps (2019-2020)



The European Solidarity Corps is the European Union programme which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe. It brings together young people to build a more inclusive society, supporting vulnerable people and responding to societal challenges. It offers an inspiring and empowering experience for young people who want to help, learn and develop.

The Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 (MFF) proposal follows through a number of issues that the European Parliament had highlighted. The Commission proposes that the European Solidarity Corps 2021-2027 would be a stand-alone programme, with its own budget, and no longer depend on the budget of Erasmus and other EU programmes. The European Solidarity Corps 2021-2027 regulation absorbs the European Voluntary Service, which currently falls under the 'Youth' section of the Erasmus+ 2014-2020 programme.

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