EU - Serbia

EU - Serbia

2024-03-05T12:48:00.000ZMis à jour


In March 2012 Serbia was granted EU candidate status.

On 19 April 2013, after ten rounds of often grueling talks in the EU-facilitated Dialogue in Brussels, the intervenants reached a landmark agreement aimed at normalising relations between Serbia and Kosovo. Concrete results in the implementation of this agreement will bring about a brighter future and lasting stability to the region. In line with the decision of the European Council in June 2013 to open accession negotiations with Serbia, the Council adopted in December 2013 the negotiating framework and agreed to hold the 1st Intergovernmental Conference with Serbia in January 2014. On 21 January 2014, the 1st Intergovernmental Conference took place, signaling the formal start of Serbia’s accession negotiations.


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