European Parliament
The last EuroLat meeting of the Standing Parliamentary Committees took place at the European Parliament's premises in Brussels (Belgium) from 30 November - 2 December 2022.
The 150 EuroLat members met in times of a rapidly changing geopolitical context and at a crucial time for the relaunch of EU-Latin America relations, right after the EU- CELAC ministerial meeting in Argentina and the adoption of the EU "Road Map 2023".
The Co-Presidents of the EuroLat Assembly, Javi López, President of the European Parliament's Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, and Oscar Darío Pérez Pineda, President of the Latin American component, chaired the Inaugural Session on 30 November.
The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) is a multilateral parliamentary assembly - a forum for several different parliaments to come together - composed of 150 members. EuroLat is the parliamentary institution of 'the European Union - Latin American and Caribbean Bi-regional Strategic Partnership. The Assembly is composed by 150 Members; Half of the members - 75 - are members of the European Parliament and the other half - 75 - comes from the Latin American regional parliaments.
The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly - EuroLat was created in 2006. Its Constituent Session took place on 8 and 9 October in Brussels.
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