The European Ombudsman

The European Ombudsman



The names of the five EU Ombudsman candidates for the next five-year term (2019-2024) are: Giuseppe Fortunato, Julia Laffranque, Nils Muižnieks, Emily O’Reilly and Cecilia Wikström.

The Ombudsman is elected by the Parliament for the duration of a parliamentary term from a list of nominees, each supported by at least 40 MEPs from at least two Member States.The procedure then provides for a possible hearing of candidates, the drawing up of a list of admissible candidates and a vote by secret ballot. The successful candidate must receive a majority of votes, and there is provision for further votes if no candidate is elected during the first two ballots, and the appointment of the oldest of the two remaining candidates in case of a tied vote. The Parliament can also vote to dismiss the Ombudsman in case of misconduct, upon request of a tenth of MEPs, and will ask the Court of Justice for a ruling on his dismissal if the Ombudsman refuses to resign.

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