Election debate 2024



The Eurovision debate between the lead candidates for the Commission presidency will take place on Thursday 23 May from 15.00-16.45 in Parliament’s plenary chamber in Brussels. The debate is organised by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in collaboration with the European political parties and the European Parliament.

EBU has announced the lead candidates for the Commission presidency who have confirmed their presence at the debate on 23 May: Walter Baier (Austria), European Left Sandro Gozi (Italy), Renew Europe Now Ursula von der Leyen (Germany), European People’s Party (EPP) Terry Reintke (Germany), European Greens Nicolas Schmit (Luxembourg), Party of European Socialists (PES).

The candidates will speak in English, and interpretation will be provided in 24 languages. The five candidates will debate on several key topics. Questions will be asked by the audience in the plenary chamber, by viewers watching from events organised by Parliament’s Liaison Offices in EU member states, submitted via social media, and by the two moderators. Candidates will also face one-on-one questioning by the moderators in so-called “Spotlight” segments, a new feature in the Eurovision Debate 2024. Special events to watch the debate live will be organised across the EU by public service media in cooperation with European Parliament Liaison Offices in member states.

The elections debate brings together the lead candidates for the Presidency of the European Commission, during which they are required to address critical issues and explain their programmes on economic policies, climate change, the energy crises, migration etc. Each candidate presents their vision for the future of Europe, offering voters a glimpse into their priorities and leadership type. The debate is broadcasted live and serves as a crucial platform for candidates to discuss their visions for the EU and demonstrate their commitment to building a united Europe.

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