Hearing of Valdis DOMBROVSKIS, Executive Vice-President-designate, Trade

Hearing of Valdis DOMBROVSKIS, Executive Vice-President-designate, Trade



Valdis Dombrovskis, born on 5 August 1971 in Riga, is a Latvian politician. He was a Member of the European Parliament from 2004 to 2009.

Since he is already a member of the Commission, Mr Dombrovskis only has to answer questions on whether he is suitable for the portfolio assigned to him. He has been responsible for trade matters since the resignation of Phil Hogan.

Mr Dombrovskis will be heard by the International Trade Committee. The Committees on Foreign Affairs, on Economic and Monetary Affairs, on Development and on Budgets will be invited to participate and can ask one oral question each.

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