' Ideas for a new world ' Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Introduction by David SASSOLI, EP President

Valokuva 1: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Intervention from Romano PRODI, former Commission President
Valokuva 2: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Intervention from Romano PRODI, former Commission President
Valokuva 3: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Intervention from Simona LEVI, activist, teacher and playwright, founder of Xnet
Valokuva 4: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Intervention from Simona LEVI, activist, teacher and playwright, founder of Xnet
Valokuva 5: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Intervention from Sir Tim BERNERS-LEE, computer scientist, inventor of the World Wide Web
Valokuva 6: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Intervention from Sir Tim BERNERS-LEE, computer scientist, inventor of the World Wide Web
Valokuva 7: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Introduction by David SASSOLI, EP President
Valokuva 8: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Introduction by David SASSOLI, EP President
Valokuva 9: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Introduction by David SASSOLI, EP President
Valokuva 10: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Introduction by David SASSOLI, EP President
Valokuva 11: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Introduction by David SASSOLI, EP President
Valokuva 12: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President- Introduction by David SASSOLI, EP President
Valokuva 13: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President
Valokuva 14: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President
Valokuva 15: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President
Valokuva 16: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President
Valokuva 17: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President
Valokuva 18: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President
Valokuva 19: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President
Valokuva 20: ' Ideas for a new world '  Internet access: a new human right - Debate with EC President and former EC President